Some of the sites in my last post have podcasts, but I wanted to share a couple of fascinating podcasts that I listen to on a weekly basis. They range in everything from business to unearthing the esoteric in the world. Take a break from listening to the radio and enrich your mind with these podcasts, listed in no particular order.

By far my favorite podcast player for iOS is Overcast. Definitely download it, and I encourage you to donate. It will help you continually learn and broaden your horizons.


Freakonomics Radio

From Stephen Dubner and the award-winning team that wrote the amazing book, they have a regular podcast that “covers the hidden side of everything.” I recently enjoyed their series on how to be more productive, and I’m sure you’ll hear interesting stories.

99% Invisible

Roman Mars has an amazingly deep and soothing voice, I may have dozed off before listening to 99% Percent Invisible, or 99 PI for short. The content is always off the beaten path, but so cool to take a deep look into the mind of an architect. Find out why Roman is so passionate about beautiful, downtown Oakland, California.


I love the audio editing in Radiolab. Instantly became hooked after listening to the buried bodies case episode, which will forever provoke your thinking. Start with that episode, listen to it with a friend or family member, and you’ll have plenty to talk about for hours.

Revisionist History

A new podcast from the best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell, he speaks just as passionately as he writes. Gladwell tells incredible stories about education, sports, and pop music. It’s a second look at many things that have probably happened during your lifetime.

Business and Technology


From the firm that termed the phrase “software is eating the world”, comes one of the best podcasts on technology. The Andreessen Horowitz podcast covers enterprise, consumer, emerging, and network effects of technology in our lives today.

NPR Planet Money

Definitely more business-y, but so fascinating how they explore everything from UPS trucks to a world without oil. Well worth listening to on your commute to the office in the morning.

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