Lately, I’ve been reading and listening to podcasts about personal finance, starting your own business, and overall life improvement. I want to list a few of the things I’m consuming that will help change your life.

Personal finance

I have found these sites extremely valuable and effective in changing the way I view money. Not all of their approaches are best for me, but there are tons of great nuggets of information to incorporate into your daily routines. They also recommend some great financial services.

Mr. Money Mustache

Mr. Money Mustache, aka MMM, has some of the most hilarious posts. He’s a straight shooter, and always tells his reader how it is. You must be doing something right if you’re already in early retirement, right? Start reading today as your first step to financial badassity.

The Minimalists

They’re a recent addition to my podcasts and news reading, but The Minimalists have gained my attention quickly. Their story is incredible, and the principles they teach will truly enrich your life. Subscribe to their podcast to stay up to date.

Starting your own business

There are so many options nowadays with starting your own business. Whether it’s selling information, goods, or other services, the following sites are a great place to start finding out how to get started.

I Will Teach You to be Rich

Or IWT for short; don’t let the name fool you. Ramit Sethi is an award-winning author and one of the most transparent people you’ll read. He literally gives away 98% of his content for free, and that is worth the price of admission! Sign up for his newsletter to get started today. Personally, I’m also a big fan of his personal finance advice and how you should automate your personal finances. He also runs Growth Lab, which also has tons of great resources.

Smart Passive Income

Aka SPI, lately I’ve been riding the team Flynn train, and it’s been a great ride! Pat Flynn is so genuine and honest on his website and podcasts. He runs a solid business, lives extremely family-centric, and is so fun to listen to. I highly recommend his podcast to liven up your daily commute.


If you want to sell stuff online and do the eCommerce thing, Shopify is one of the best platforms out there. They have an excellent newsletter you should subscribe to, and two amazing podcasts, Masters and TGIM, for tips and tricks for successfully selling goods online.

Indie Hackers

My most recent newsletter subscription around running a software business on the side or even full-time. Indie Hackers interviews regular people about the problems they’ve solved offering software and the challenges they met along the way. A great resource for getting a head start on a side hustle.

Life improvement

There are so many podcasts on this subject, but I’ve found an effective use of my time listening to the following.

Optimal Living Daily

A short podcast that reads from popular online blogs, OLD podcast makes it easy to consume blogs on-the-go. Episodes are generally less than 10 minutes long, and a great way to fill your commute and optimize your life.

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